
Showing posts from December, 2023


  After my 1995 car accident, as some of my ESP have opened, following many spiritual experiences and realizations, reading tens of books on NDE, life after death, life between lives, I’ve developed a keen and passionate interest on the subject. Back in 90’s pre internet era, we’ve had many amazing books with countless testimonials on this vital topic Post internet era, we now have tens upon tens of VIDEO testimonials from the people who have had direct Near Death Experiences and lived to tell us all. Their fascinating, candid insights are shared via You Tube main channels dedicated exclusively to anything around NDE, as listed below. We have a desperate need to positively revolutionize such taboo topic and shed True Light on this still hard to process topic, even if each being on this planet will inevitably face it and go through it. It should be discussed in schools, workplaces, communities, health centers/hospitals and in our very homes. We need to document ourselves