
Showing posts from June, 2023

Conscious Living Party Healing Intro

  6 Senses Sight  Nature beauty     Colour therapy Sound     Smell Aromatherapy and Incense    Taste Gourmet High Vibrational plant based food   Touch Massage   6 th Sense   4 Elements Earth Water Fire Wind Grounding Conscious Dancing with incorporating ALL 4 elements Dance incorporating ALL 4 elements Play  Adults playground are already spreading around the world Massachusetts, London and more Heal>>Energy Medicine     Music is healing Nature>>Grounding is healing Movement is healing Dance is healing Conscious eating is healing Color is healing Playing is healing Laughter is healing Energy is healing   Combining these elements is the Ultimate Healing   Indoors and Outdoors alike Conscious socializing   Conscious party>>Conscious clubbing   Ecstatic Dance https://dance2he